Not all 90 Day Fiance fans are sure what to make of the Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa split rumors.
It does sound like they have broken up. At the very least, they have recently spent some time apart.
Kalani moved to California. And most of Asuelu’s most recent posts came from Samoa.
Now, Asuelu is back. He’s spending time with his kids. But as for Kalani … it’s complicated.

“Finally surprised my family,” Asuelu Pulaa wrote on Instagram alongside a series of photos.
“Thank God for his protection upon us. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,” he wrote.
The set of pictures showed Asuelu and his sons, 4-year-old Oliver and 3-year-old Kennedy.

Some of the photos are outdoors. Others show an interior that could only be a hotel room.
In fact, the reunion took place in Los Angeles.
And it appears that Kalani was there, as well. She, too, revealed that she had spent a day out and about with the boys.

“Life looks a lot different than what I had planned,” Kalani acknowledged on Instagram.
She added: “Here’s to us learning to go with the flow.”
Of course, Kalani wasn’t exactly advertising a reunion with Asuelu.

However, one of Asuelu’s many videos (there was so much, you guys) had a little piece of audio evidence.
Followers noticed the sound of Kalani’s voice in the background.
She asked “Who is it?” as Oliver and Kennedy excitedly opened the hotel room door.

Kalani and Asuelu’s marital troubles are not, and have never been, a secret.
We saw them flare up during a little catch-up segment on Discovery Plus … one in which they made it clear that things were not good.
Simply put, Asuelu was failing his family in multiple ways. And Kalani was unsure of how much longer she could put up with it.

Meanwhile, Asuelu had his own complaints. But they were … odd.
Where Kalani clearly had issues with Asuelu’s irresponsibility as a partner and a father, he wished that she were on social media more.
Asuelu specifically noted that Kalani rarely if ever did TikTok videos with him. Not a normal marital complaint. Most people have … different priorities.

Perhaps Asuelu felt that Kalani was rejecting him by not dancing with him on social media.
(Except, you know, when she did)
Or perhaps it was what he spoke about more instead of his complaints about her complaints about his behavior.

But as the year went on, Asuelu and Kalani both shed light on some pretty dire issues that were not marital in nature.
Both Asuelu and Kalani made separate posts about experiences with truly abhorrent racism in their community.
At the time, the family was still living in Utah. Kalani even highlighted a hateful display that went viral last October. It was, she revealed, at a store less than an hour from her home.

Asuelu shared how he had experienced racial profiling by police so often that he had come to expect it.
Kalani revealed that someone had referred to her family members by the N-word.
Overall, both of them were looking forward to moving themselves and their children far from Utah. And now they have.