Shahid Kapoor has time and again proved how versatile he is as an actor. The actor has some stupendous roles in his filmography that makes him one of the most bankable stars today. After owning the spotlight on the celluloid, he is all set to make a mark in the OTT space with Raj & DK’s Farzi.
The story revolves around an artist working out of his grandfather’s printing press, however, he has a master plan regarding a con job. A move that is specifically designed for him. The tale unfolds slowly which shows how he gets dragged in the clandestine world of demands and more.
The trailer has dropped today and Shahid Kapoor is in top form, ready to entertain his fans. Knowing Raj and DK’s storytelling skills, this one looks nothing short of intriguing.
#Shahid #Kapoor #hooked #screens #Farzi #Trailer #Watch