Pathaan’s trailer was released yesterday and it sure wreaked havoc online, as expected. Fans were ecstatic to see Shah Rukh Khan back on screen after such a long time. With Deepika Padukone performing some high-octane action sequences and John Abraham owning the frame as he does, it has indeed raised the excitement around it.
Siddharth Anand who is the director of the film is thrilled with the response received and shares the same. He said, “It was a huge task to arrive at the trailer of Pathaan because the teaser and the two songs Besharam Rang and Jhoome Jo Pathaan have taken the expectations of the film sky high. We were clear that we will make a trailer that will only add to the buzz and the hype that the film currently has.”
Furthermore, he added, “We have very carefully and strategically arrived at a trailer that teases some of the best moments of Pathaan for audiences to enjoy and yet hold back and not even give a sneak peek into the majority of the screen-stealing situations that will make Pathaan a truly big screen action spectacle like no other. I’m glad that without giving out a lot from the film, we have made a trailer that has received unanimous appreciation.”
He concluded by saying that one needs to watch the film to understand the massive scale on which this film has been mounted. Needless to say, he believes it is indeed something that they are all proud of as it is on par with international action entertainers.
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